Solution taken from Converting Your Typographic Units with Sass:
@function convert($value, $currentUnit, $convertUnit){
@if $currentUnit == px{
@if $convertUnit == ems{
@return $value / 16 + 0em;
@else if $convertUnit == percent{
@return percentage($value / 16);
}@else if $currentUnit == ems{
@if $convertUnit == px{
@return $value * 16 + 0px;
@else if $convertUnit == percent{
@return percentage($value);
}@else if $currentUnit == percent{
@if $convertUnit == px{
@return $value * 16 / 100 + 0px;
@else if $convertUnit == ems{
@return $value / 100 + 0em;
}@else if $currentUnit == pts{
@if $convertUnit == px{
@return $value * 1.3333 +0px;
@else if $convertUnit == ems{
@return $value / 12 + 0em;
@else if $convertUnit == percent{
@return percentage($value / 12)
– Woss
Dude, take a look at this: might help you, there’s a function there that does this conversion, compared to the pattern I find difficult because each font has its own dimensions.
– Mathiasfc