Wordpress Error: "Without sufficient permission to access this page"


Viewed 8,164 times


My Wordpress site with Woocommerce shows the following message when informing login access:

.. "Without sufficient permission to access this page".

What I’ve tried, unsuccessfully:

  1. Delete that translation file in the folder Languages how some forums inform.
  2. Put in the root the file force-upgrade.php.

If you could help me, I’d really appreciate it!

  • I am admin @Marconi

  • In my case, I had renamed the prefixes of the table to something other thanwp_ and then gave this error. I renamed it back towp_ and everything started working again.

3 answers


I managed to solve! Follow the solution found for my problem.

  1. Enter the phpMyadmin/, enter the used database.

  2. Find the table wp_usermeta and leave the following lines exactly with this code:

    • wp_capabilities should be:

    • wp_user_level should be:

  • It didn’t work in Wordpress 4.5.2. Current permissions are a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;}


This has to do with the code generated by: http://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/

To fix the error just generate another key and put in wp-config.php, ready everything back to work normally in the easiest and simplest way possible.


The friend’s tip worked here

Entrar no phpMyadmin/, entrar no banco de dados usado.

Encontrar a tabela wp_usermeta e deixar as seguintes linhas exatamente com esse código:

    wp_capabilities deverá ser:


    wp_user_level deverá ser:


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