How to view SCROLL Permanent Ionic2


Viewed 261 times


Good afternoon,

I have a problem, and I’d like your help. I want to display the SCROLL whenever I am on this screen, I tried in many ways to use the ion-scroll component and still, nothing. I tried to import using css overflow, but also, did not work on mobile. Below is the content of a screen I’m doing, for example.

<ion-content >
  <ion-list >
    <ion-item-divider color="light">Dados de Solicitação de Compra</ion-item-divider>
    <ion-item>Data de Compra<p item-right>12/02/2017 14:00:00</p></ion-item>
    <ion-item>Data de Vencimento<p item-right>20/02/2017 18:00:00</p></ion-item>
    <ion-item>Setor<p item-right>Almoxarifado</p></ion-item>
    <ion-item>Solicitante<p item-right>Papai Noel</p></ion-item>
    <ion-item>Estoque<p item-right>20</p></ion-item>
    <ion-item>Motivo<p item-right>O Natal ta chegando</p></ion-item>
    <ion-item>Quantidade de itens<p item-right>15</p></ion-item>
  <ion-item-divider color="light">Lista de itens</ion-item-divider>
    <ion-list [virtualScroll]="solicitacao.itens" >
      <ion-item floating *virtualItem="let item">
          {{item.DS_PRODUTO}}<p>{{item.QT_SOLIC}} {{item.DS_UNIDADE}}</p>

1 answer


Just switch to the CSS of the page you want.

Try this:

.ng-animate .scroll-bar {
  visibility: visible !important;

  opacity:1 !important
  • João Tomás I added the code passed by you and even then, the scroll does not appear on the screen permanently. It should have an attribute to show or hide the scroll bar of the screen. I have tried to do several ways, however, none works.

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