how to work with different dimension in android studio?


Viewed 409 times


I would like to adapt my app created for each mobile model. As I some it gets smaller text on the screen and in others larger, I would like to create a method where it adapts to the cell phone model that person this.. that it always stay the ideal size for that cell phone

I know it has to do with ldpi, mdpi, xxhdpi, etc. But I don’t know how to generate this file dimens.xml.

1 answer


Hello, from a researcher on screen densities. this link is from the documentation of the android itself and addresses this subject.

Just a short summary: The android works with a dp unit other than an HTLM or CSS that we use px or %. Each screen has its specific density. Remember to save the images correctly that you will not have big problems.

I hope I’ve helped

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