How to sort a select by bringing results of 2 in 2


Viewed 135 times


I am creating a system where the user informs the name and time of birth. I would like to know whether the following question can be resolved: I have the following table:

Como é

Having the name and time of birth, the system administrator informs the priority of each record, being:

1 = high priority, 2 = high priority, 3 = low priority, 4 = no high priority. Then I want these records to be displayed in priority order, and 2 in 2. Example: 2 priority records 1... then 2 priority records 2... 2 priority records 3...etc No, it needs to be in the same select, it could use more than one select, but as long as there are records, I need to list 2 in 2, without repeating them. Would look like this:

Como eu quero que fique

I’m using Mysql and Php. Does anyone have any idea how I can do this? Thank you!

Follow the mysql table:

CREATE TABLE `tbl_nasc_users` (
  `id` int(111) NOT NULL,
  `nome` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  `hr_nasc` time NOT NULL,
  `prioridade` int(9) NOT NULL

INSERT INTO `tbl_nasc_users` (`id`, `nome`, `hr_nasc`, `prioridade`) VALUES
(1, 'Pedro', '17:34:40', 1),
(2, 'João', '17:23:18', 2),
(3, 'Marcos', '17:56:39', 2),
(4, 'Vinicius', '18:12:48', 1),
(5, 'Miguel', '18:36:53', 3),
(6, 'Bruno', '18:30:10', 4),
(7, 'Felipe', '18:48:42', 3),
(8, 'Antonio', '19:34:40', 1),
(9, 'Victor', '19:23:18', 2),
(10, 'Ronaldo', '19:56:39', 2),
(11, 'Ricardo', '20:12:48', 1),
(12, 'Teodoro', '20:36:53', 3),
(13, 'Gabriel', '21:30:10', 4),
(14, 'Patrick', '22:48:42', 3);

ALTER TABLE `tbl_nasc_users`

ALTER TABLE `tbl_nasc_users`
  • 1

    If the ordering should be from the smallest to the largest, why do numbers appear smaller than 4 at the end of the list?

  • Yago, in these cases it will not be a very natural ordination, because the "Pedro" and the "Vinicios" may appear at the beginning as well as the "Antonio" and the "Ricardo" may appear. Do you have any other criteria in this order?

  • 1

    If he orders from the smallest to the largest the ordering will look like this: 1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5,5,5,5 As you want different, you need to create a criterion to be used.

  • So, guys, it’s a system where the user reports the name and time of birth. After that I inform what the priority of each record, being, 1 = very priority, 2 = priority, 3 = little priority and 4 = no priority. Then I want these records to be displayed in priority order, and 2 in 2. Example: 2 priority records 1... after 2 priority records 2... 2 priority records 3...etc No, it needs to be in the same select, could use more than one select, but while there are records, I need to list 2 in 2, without repeating.

  • I can’t think of a criterion that meets that need. I thought of creating a select for each priority, using LIMIT 2. However, how do I keep the result following sequence?

  • The question is: why, in your example, do records appear with "very high priority" after "non-priority" records, since you want ascending order? This part is not clear. Whenever you reach priority 4 the numbering should return to 1?

  • Exactly Anderson! When you get to the 4 it returns to display the priority 1. The idea is this! If there are still records with priority 1 it will continue showing 2 in 2 always

  • Maybe union can help with a subquery - but I’m not 100% sure.

  • Papa Charlie, I tried to use the following: (SELECT * FROM tabela WHERE priority = 1 ORDER by hora_nasc ASC LIMIT 2) UNION (SELECT * FROM tabela WHERE priority = 2 ORDER by hora_nasc ASC LIMIT 2) UNION (SELECT * FROM tabela WHERE priority = 3 ORDER by hora_nasc ASC LIMIT 2) UNION (SELECT * FROM tabela WHERE priority = 4 ORDER by hora_nasc ASC LIMIT 2) .

  • @Yagolima, can you make the table data available as a single table? They are in image format and so it is difficult to copy them to simulate tests.

  • @jlHertel posted! Thank you

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2 answers


Since it is the administrator who informs the priority, I thought it could 'group' by schedule. The priority field has been divided into two, there is a priority separated by 'first hour', 'second hour', etc. A precedent to prioritize these staff could easily be created.

The table would look like this:

CREATE TABLE tbl_nasc_users (  id int NOT NULL,  nome varchar(30) NOT NULL, hr_nasc time NOT NULL,  prioridade int NOT NULL, horario int not null ) 

And the administrator could classify them like this:

INSERT INTO tbl_nasc_users (id, nome, hr_nasc, prioridade,horario) VALUES    (1, 'Pedro', '17:34:40', 1, 1), (2, 'João', '17:23:18', 2, 1), (3, 'Marcos', '17:56:39', 2, 1), (4, 'Vinicius', '18:12:48', 1,1), 
 (5, 'Miguel', '18:36:53', 3,2), (6, 'Bruno', '18:30:10', 4,2), (7, 'Felipe', '18:48:42', 3,2), (8, 'Antonio', '19:34:40', 1,3), (9, 'Victor', '19:23:18', 2,3), 
 (10, 'Ronaldo', '19:56:39', 2,4), (11, 'Ricardo', '20:12:48', 1,4), (12, 'Teodoro', '20:36:53', 3,4), (13, 'Gabriel', '21:30:10', 4,4), (14, 'Patrick', '22:48:42', 3,4);

Then the return would be simple:

select * from tbl_nasc_users order by horario, prioridade

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Thank you for the idea! I tested it here, and I saw that it is possible to do it the way you indicated. Even, this way I can choose to bring the data of 2 in 2 records, or 3 in 3, or 4 in 4.


You can add up the amount of records and use this in a mathematical formula. The only problem with this is that you are limited to the four priorities you have set, but if they are fixed in your bank I see no problems.

This consultation should bring the expected result:

SET @qtd_1 = 0;
SET @qtd_2 = 0;
SET @qtd_3 = 0;
SET @qtd_4 = 0;

SET @aux_1 = false;
SET @aux_2 = false;
SET @aux_3 = false;
SET @aux_4 = false;

nome, prioridade,
(CASE prioridade
    ((@qtd_1 := @qtd_1 + IF(@aux_1 := !@aux_1, 1, 0)) * 100) + prioridade
    ((@qtd_2 := @qtd_2 + IF(@aux_2 := !@aux_2, 1, 0)) * 100) + prioridade
    ((@qtd_3 := @qtd_3 + IF(@aux_3 := !@aux_3, 1, 0)) * 100) + prioridade
    ((@qtd_4 := @qtd_4 + IF(@aux_4 := !@aux_4, 1, 0)) * 100) + prioridade
  ELSE 0 END) AS prioridade_real
FROM minha_tabela
ORDER BY prioridade_real;
  • Thank you @Jhertel, I tested it here, it worked really well! The 4 priorities are fixed yes. I’m new to mysql, and honestly, I’m here trying to understand what the query is doing. I had a question... It is possible to "choose" between displaying 2 in 2 records or 3 in 3 or 4 in 4?

  • @Yagolima, the query is using a logical operator to know whether or not to group. You can use a sum operator and change the way you group the records, but this will require a slightly different logic. TL;DR; No, fixed at 2

  • @Yagolima, watch the tour to better understand how to thank.

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