Example that was testing, configure output ports and input ports, to be able to perform a sum, but are not working:
ldi r21, 0x0a
ldi r22, 0x0b
out PINB, r16
out DDRB, r16
out PORTB, r17
add r21, r22
mov r17, r21
Example that was testing, configure output ports and input ports, to be able to perform a sum, but are not working:
ldi r21, 0x0a
ldi r22, 0x0b
out PINB, r16
out DDRB, r16
out PORTB, r17
add r21, r22
mov r17, r21
To read a door door the correct is:
In r16, pinb
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Reply on mobile is not good ...
– user1084
Correcting the question because I did not understand your answer...
– MagShania
Part of this example: http://www.avr-tutorials.com/digital/digital-input-output-assembly-programming-atmel-8-bits-avr-microcontrollers
– user1084