Domain forwarding to domain with ssl


Viewed 113 times


I’m facing a problem, we have a main domain that is with the SSL installed and we have a variation of this domain, which I registered to assist when searching for the site on the internet.

We use nginx, in a droplet of Digital Ocean.

I made the note by the digital Ocean, and it works ok, by typing the X address it enters my droplet, but it does not change to the Y address (which has the SSL) and the security error, says the X address has an invalid certificate.

I’m sorry if it got a little confusing, what I need to do is, type in the X address and it redirects to the Y address.

Can someone help me?

  • 1

    See if this can help you:, if you can’t forget to post the solution.. ;)

  • So it didn’t work out, because when I type in the X domain ( it goes into and says it doesn’t have a valid certificate, instead of going into and playing for https://y. with

  • Um.. Do you have any ssl certificates for the domain? Because you have to have one certificate per domain.

  • No, we don’t, Putz, I’ll take a look

  • If both domains are SSL, each one must have its certificate purchased separately.

1 answer


Tried to redirect to . htaccess?

redirect 301

And if you want to change the entire domain, not to lose the strength of the links that point to the site, or visitor. Do it as follows:

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]

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