Webservice Rest with PHP


Viewed 487 times


I am doing research that will result in the development of an application and we come to the issue of using webservices, I have some questions that I would like your help.

  1. Let’s use Rest, which PHP frameworks work with this kind of webservice?
  2. Would it be "difficult" to implement a web service without a framework? What do they have to offer?
  3. Give me links to study who talk about the most used frameworks for this procedure.
    1. Slim, Zend, Laravel, I just asked for more frameworks. 2. Give me that answer there know, ask her on google. 3. I asked who ever worked like this and can help passing links so I can study, I do not want everything in the mouth like pussy not son. You don’t want to answer, shut up!
  • Not to mention that the link you passed is from 2006, good effort to search yours, and as mentioned in the question introduction, the standard will be REST.

1 answer


1 - Silex, Slim, Lumem ... and even more robust frameworks like Symfony, Zend and Laravel can be used.

2 - It is much more feasible to use a framework for creating webservices than to use the "do it yourself" methodology, for some reasons:

  • The framework has many ready-made features.
  • The framework is being developed and improved over time and there are many people involved, both in the testing part and in the implementation of new functionalities.
  • Another reason is that your framework done in a week will not guarantee the integrity of the app as there was no time to cover all test cases that a popular framework will achieve(will always have something to fix "here or there").
  • It will take you longer to produce your own framework, time that could be spent on app features.

3 - The most correct way to understand how they work is to read the official documentation, because they have the correct practices and recommendations by the creators of the projects for better use, good studies.

  • www.gajotres.net/best-available-php-restful-micro-frameworks/
  • Laravel.com/Docs/5.1/controllers#restful-Resource-controllers
  • Lumen.laravel.com/
  • Silex.sensiolabs.org/
  • www.slimframework.com/

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