I have 3 classes in the package com\scja\exam\planetas
. I also have a class with method main
in the package com\scja\exam\teste
, responsible print the name of the planets.
I need to compile this code via command line, but I’m having difficulties.
Follow my attempts and error messages.:
C:\Users\marci_000\Documents\OCA\exercicios>javac -d bin -cp src\com\scja\exam\planetas\*.java;src\com\scja\exam\teste\ImprimePlaneta.java
Error message:
javac: no source files Usage: javac <options> <source files> use -help for a list of possible options
I tried too without the option -cp
, but it gives an error message on the lines where the objects were declared. It says that it did not find:
Hi @Marcia, problem solved? If yes, don’t forget to mark an answer as correct (or reply yourself with the solution you found).
– Anthony Accioly