Error in uploading Wordpress themes


Viewed 450 times


I am trying to upload a wordpress theme whose size is 40MB. Whenever I try to upload, the file loads all and at the end appears the error: "413 Request Entity Too Large". How do I resolve the problem?

2 answers


This Voce can configure in your php.ini, You have to increase the upload limit, upload_max_filesize and post_max_size.

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 40M

; Must be greater than or equal to upload_max_filesize
post_max_size = 45M

An important detail is that the post_max_size is the maximum post size, this includes the text/data of a form, which Voce sends along with a file, so if you send a file with exactly 40mb and one more field nome for example, it can be a problem. So I always think it’s good to leave the post_max_size slightly larger than the maximum file size.

  • Which way to file? I can’t find it here

  • Give a googlada according to the OS and package you are using, I do not know if Voce uses Linuz, Windows, Mac, installed itself in hand or if it is using some life AMP, MAMP, WAMP, XAMP, LAMP, and so on.

  • A tip is to create a page with <?php phpinfo(); ?> and search for Loaded Configuration File there will be the way of your php.ini


first of all: did you unzip the Theme file? if yes, and I assume so:

if you are working with Wordpress on localhost, copy the wordpress template to the respective location the client you are using used to create a local server account

if you are working on a web server: use Filezilla, or copy the template from ssh, by bash, or with the ftp command by bash, to access the account of the server you are using, with the respective credentials, to develop the site, and copy the files from your computer there already uncompressed.

following this configure the template within your Wordpress backoffice

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