Disregard words in input


Viewed 119 times


I would like to know how to override/disregard certain floods placed by users in the input.

I have an input where the person should send me the URL of a site, in case they should send the url as a site.com/image because I have a script that takes the rest of the information.

But it turns out that people input things like site.com/image1.jpg, site.com/image2.jpg site.com/image3.jpg and so the error.

My question is how do I UNDO CERTAIN WORDS IN INPUT like: imagem1.jpg, imagem2.jpg. So the person can send the wrong link but the script would disregard these series of wrong words. Or the scribe could replace and subistituite certain words by a blank space (tmb would resolve)

I tried this script : http://jsfiddle.net/6hxspv14/2/ But in practice it doesn’t work when I click the Submit button excuse the difficulty of expressing myself I’m inciando in programming .

my input code:

<form action="thumbs.php" method="post">
URL da thumb: <input type="text" class="restrict"  name="url"><br>
<input  type="submit">
  • But this script doesn’t have Submit...

  • Yes, I say I tested this script in my original code but it didn’t work

  • you want to undo certain words or a word pattern ?

  • It’s actually a pattern. 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jjgp ... up to 30.jpg because users are inserting site/img/1.jpg so the result is site/img/1.jpg.1.jpg because I already got this parameter in php. so I need to override these in input

  • Can you input the input code ? In your question you have a [edit] link edit and put the relevant code, in the control bar you have the {keys}, select all your code and click the keys...

  • <form action="Thumbs.php" method="post"> Thumb’s URL: <input type="text" class="restrict" name="url"><br> <input type="Submit"> </form>

  • You can put in your question by editing ?

  • ready, put on ;)

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1 answer


The form that came to mind is using ER(expressão regular) and the method replace().

<form action="" method="post">
URL da thumb: <input type="text" class="restrict"  name="url" value=""/><br/>
<input  type="submit" onclick="replaceURL()" value="Enviar"/>
function replaceURL()
{	var inputURL = document.getElementsByClassName("restrict")[0].value;//captura o valor do input
	var replaceurl = inputURL.replace(/\.[\d]{1,2}\.jpg/, " ");//substitui o valor capturado pela "ER" por " "
	/* "ER" explicação
	 * "\." encontra o "." literalmente uma vez que ele é um operador é necessária a "\" para escapar e torná-lo literal
	 * "[\d]{1,2}" encontra o número em uma ou duas ocorrências dentro da lista [\d] que por sua vez é uma abreviação para os dígitos[0-9]
	 * "\.jpg" encontra a extensão(repara na "\" novamente para escapar o ponto)
	 *  */
	var inputFianl = document.getElementsByClassName("restrict")[0].value = replaceurl;//atribui o resultado da substituição ao valor do input
	alert("O valor atual do input é : "+inputFianl);//alerta o resultado final, só para você ver pois após o submit a pagina é recarregada pois o action=""

  • Thank you very much friend, it worked right. I thought I would have to use Jquery but its solution was extremely effective. It helped a lot!!

  • Consider validating one of the answers by clicking on the green incon below the rating arrows.. Good Luck...

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