Installation failure of sdk android tools


Viewed 875 times


When installing Android SDK packages tools, this message appears and the installation is obviously interrupted:

Failed to Rename directory D: Embarcadero Studio 17.0 Platformsdks android-sdk-windows tools to D: Embarcadero Studio 17.0 Platformsdks android-sdk-windows temp Toolpackage.old01.

Does anyone there know how to solve this? Thanks in advance for the strength.

1 answer


Here are some suggestions for the problem:

  • Run as administrator;
  • Rest assured that neither Eclipse, nor Android Studio be open;
  • Run from the command line;
  • Make a copy of the folder tools, rename it something like cópia and run the command from that new folder;
  • Delete all contents from folder D:\Embarcadero\Studio\17.0\PlatformSDKs\android-sdk-windows\temp

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