How to start a Python application with Windows?(cx_freeze)


Viewed 1,377 times


Hello, I’m trying to develop an application that starts together with windows, but I’ve tried to get the program to auto copy to the folder

"C: Users User Appdata Roaming Microsoft Windows Start Menu Programs Startup"

but access is denied, I am using Python 3.5 and cx_freeze to generate the executable.

  • You can share part of your code used for the program to auto copy?

2 answers


You could make a bat and add it together to the PC startup. So you would make your bat have the following content:

C:/Caminho/Do/python.exe C:/Caminho/Do/Seu/Arquivo

And if you run it you can run your script. Done this bat file, just add it in the list of programs to boot when your PC boot.

  • The problem is that I don’t just wish on my computer, I wish through cx_freeze to get it started with windows on any machine, obj by the answer.


Try using the folder

C: Programdata Microsoft Windows Start Menu Programs Startup

Don’t forget to make sure you’re running your program as an administrator.

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