Xamarin Visual Studio 2015- All Toolbox components are disabled


Viewed 43 times


I am running the lab01 of #Maratonaxamarin and after doing all the procedures to run Android the emulator screen appears , but I need to include the button "hello world" but the tollbox is with all the components disabled. You know how I enable Toolbox controls ?

Thank you

1 answer


Alison, good night.

Probably missing some API or SDK

See which emulator your project is opening, for example if it shows Kitkat Android 4.4 next to API 19

dai in Android SDK Manager select in the Tools folder the largest revision of the api you need. Example revision 19.1 for API 19 the API and in the folder Android X.x(API XX) dai you select Android 4.4.2(API 19)

try this,see if it helps.



  • Thanks Edson for the suggestion. The Emulator in vs is Android 4.4 -API 19. I checked in my SDK and was already with all the revisions of API 19 installed and also in the tools folder the 19.1 revision was also already installed. Any other suggestion ?

  • try installing http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html as per your windows version.

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