function $.Ajax() return value?


Viewed 14,892 times


that is the code:

var res = VerFileRepetidoBancoAjax( "teste" );

function VerFileRepetidoBancoAjax( str ){
    url:    "caminho.",
    type:   "get",
    data:   "dado="+ str,
    async: false,

    success: function( data ){
        return data;           

In this precise case the return value of the Ajax function, which always returns Undefined.
This function returns a small Json object which will then be manipulated elsewhere.

For now, to resolve this issue I used a public variable, follows:

/* declaro uma variavel publica */
var res ;
VerFileRepetidoBancoAjax( "teste" );
console.log("res = "+res);

function VerFileRepetidoBancoAjax( str ){
    url:    "caminho.",
    type:   "get",
    data:   "dado="+ str,
    async: false,

    success: function( data ){
        /* aqui coloca o OBJ dentro da variavel publica*/
        res = data;           

There is a form within the $.ajax function itself();

  • What other type of language are you making an ajax call for? PHP? ASP? Your mistake is at url, because it is waiting for you to send the request to a function, or file, which in turn will have a Return

  • Actually the returned Json will be used within the javascript itself and by the way the language I am using is Java.

3 answers


You are returning the date inside the function, but do not return anything outside it, try it like this:

var res = VerFileRepetidoBancoAjax( "teste" );

function VerFileRepetidoBancoAjax( str ){
 var retorno;
    url:    "caminho.",
    type:   "get",
    data:   "dado="+ str,
    async: false,

    success: function( data ){
        retorno = data;           
return retorno;
  • Very well observed, Tks. I was wearing a public variable to cause the same effect as your answer gives me. Flw.

  • The secret is here: sycr: false , I also got a lot because of this mere detail =)

  • Synchronous requests have been marked as deprecated. You should avoid using them.


The value returned is in the parameter data of its role of callback in case of success:

success: function( data ){
    console.log("data ="+data );      

The call $.ajax itself is asynchronous by default (async: true), and its function VerFileRepetidoBancoAjax is not returning anything.


The use of synchronous ajax requests is discouraged, probably on your console will come out something like this: Synchronous xmlhttprequest should not be used on the main thread due to its detrimental effects to the user experience. For more information

What can be done in these cases is to use callback, its function would look something like this:

function VerFileRepetidoBancoAjax( str, response, err ){
        url:    "caminho.",
        type:   "get",
        data:   "dado="+ str,

        success: function( data ) {

        error: function (request, status, error) {

And I’d wear it like this:

 VerFileRepetidoBancoAjax( "teste", function (response) {
 }, function (error) {

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