We are making a migration from the Firebird system database to sql server and we put an adoconnection... we have a client table that makes a Join with the city table... the problem is that now when we insert a record in the client table it tries to insert a new record in the table of cities tbm, and when we exclude a client he also excludes from the city table the city code of the client’s city...has someone been there and can help?? vlw
Is it possible to post the Ddls of the tables? This looking like "Cascade".
– Junior Moreira
Now I can not post no, the tables are quite extensive, but that’s just it is working in cascade even...??
– Douglas
Has any
. You have to find her and putON DELETE NO ACTION
– Robss70
,– Robss70
I’ve already looked and they’re all disabled.
– Douglas
to my view the problem is not exactly in the database
– Douglas
There’s property there with the name similar to
?– Robss70
i did some tests here and changed some things and the delete problem solved and I can change normally, but now when I try to insert record appears this message: "the application is using an incorrect value for the current operation".
– Douglas
This is some parameter you are passing with the wrong type for SQL.
– Robss70
opa. I managed to solve, I used a program to migrate the database and checking field by field of the database I noticed that some fields are with different type of what should be thank you very much for the attention of Junior and Robss.
– Douglas
Cool, put it there as an answer as you decided. It may help other people.
– Robss70