Why can’t I open the Mongodb interface on port : 28017?


Viewed 1,693 times


I installed Mongo in the C drive and did some data creation tests and persisted,then consulted and there they were perfectly listed at the prompt.
So far so good!
I open the browser and type localhost:27017 and appears the message of life sign:

It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.  

But when I try localhost:28017 only see:

Esta página da web não está disponível  

What should I do?

  • 1

    Vc configured the Mongodb web panel to respond to port 28017?

  • @Thiagolunardi Thanks for your attention. How would I do just that? I’m using version 2.6.11

  • I never did, the case is that by default Mongodb sets up his websetup at port 27017, not at gate 28017. That’s why you get a 404, because there is no web application responding on this port.

  • 1

    What are you trying to do Pena? If you want to query data via browser, you should add the --rest when you run Mongo. After that you can access through http://localhost: 28017/mydb/mycollection/ and apply the filters that are needed.

  • @Thank you, my friend! I’m a beginner in NOSQL, is that I saw in an installation tutorial the guy navigating the port 27017 and also 28017, and when I tried to do the same, I couldn’t!! He didn’t teach you how to do that!! Where do I type the command you mentioned? I have two open terminals with mongod and other with Ngo where I work visualizing the data!

  • 1

    Now this Feather, try to stop the mongod and run something like this again: mongod --dbpath /data/db --rest or else if you are not specifying any argument just do mongod --rest

  • @Andrévarandas Genius, it worked!! you could have answered the question comrade!! Answer!! Arigato! ,Sayonara!! -

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2 answers


Mongodb exposes an http interface, through which we can check its status using port 28017.

To access via browser, the command --rest should be passed to mongod, as an example:

mongo --dbpath /data/db --rest

Then open your browser:

http://localhost: 28017/mydb/mycollection/

Important: This interface should never be used in a production environment.

More information on this official page Mongodb Http Interfaces


Edit the file /etc/mongodb.conf

sudo nano /etc/mongodb.conf

add the line:

rest = true

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

restart the service

sudo mongod restart

Ready. Now the door is serving REST.

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