How to do something asynchronous with jQuery, search in Mysql with PHP?


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I’m having a lot of trouble with this part. I want to simply do a database search and move on to my main program, this without giving a refresh. I know how to do all part of PHP and Mysql, however the part of jQuery is no longer my area, I know the basics of JS.

Next: the research I want is SELECT questoes_resolvidas FROM dados_usuario WHERE id = id_usuario;. This I know how to do. But the big problem is to take this result and send it to my index php.. I don’t want to send the result inside a variable in the index php.. It can be a Javascript variable itself.

I’ve tried going through $_SESSION but you can’t, because I have to update the page to the $_SESSION take the updated values. I don’t want to refresh the page, but the variable with the response of the Mysql command will be updated every time I call the function try_it().

Help me, please. I’ve tried to learn this jQuery but I believe I need to delve into JS first, and I don’t have time for this right now.

  • Are you using any framework?

  • only bootstrap but use very little

  • On the server side is pure PHP then?

  • yes, I just want to return a string from a look at this other topic, it’s the same problem and I detailed there

3 answers


You can create a webservice to provide this data. Basically a file that will return only this data.

First create a file, ajax.php, for example. In it you make the query and write the result. To make it easy for you I recommend printing the data parsed in JSON.

Dps of this, in jquery vc uses the Ajax method $.ajax(options, callback)

Asynchronously it does a request in the URL q vc pass and when finished it calls the callback. When you fall into the callback you treat the data you received, or an eventual failure

  • Bro I’m sorry but the only thing I understood is ajax.php, there’s no way you can show me in code how to do not?


You will have to have a page to receive this ajax request.

I illustrated below, the connection to the bank is fictitious, just to illustrate.


// Apenas para exemplificar uma conexão com o DB

$sql = <<<SQL
    SELECT *
    FROM minha_tabela
    WHERE minha_condicao = 1;

$resultado = $db->query($sql);
$dados = $resultado->fetchAll();
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

// Parte importante
header("content-type: application/json");
echo json_encode($dados);

There in your HTML you will make an AJAX request to the newly created page and include in the current page.


<h3>Meus dados</h3>

<ul id="minha_lista"></ul>

<script type="text/javascript">
    // Faz um requisição para a página "ajax.php", recebe os dados do servidor
    // e adiciona na lista vazia acima
    $.getJSON( "ajax.php", function( data ) {
        var items = [];

        $.each(data, function( key, val ) {
            items.push( "<li name='" + key + "'>" + val + "</li>" );

  • Does not want to work, is returning NULL 5 times


After a long time (I couldn’t remember this question anymore) I discovered with some searches on Google. It’s very simple:

    type: "GET",//Tipo da requisicao, pode ser GET, POST, etc...
    data: {dado1: "Dado 1",dado2: "Dado 2"},
    url: "url_do_arquivo_que_faz_as_coisas.php",
    beforeSend: function(){
        console.log("Isso executara antes da requisicao");
    success: function(responses){
        console.log(responses);//Aqui são os dados vindos do PHP

If we had something like this in PHP

echo $_GET['dado1'].' - '.$_GET['dado2'];

We would have the following on our console after making the AJAX request:

Dado 1 -Dado 2

I hope I’ve helped those in need the way I did at the time. Besides, you should put the JS code in a function pq so you call when you want and as many times as you want, the rest and just modify...

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