C# Running a DDL command


Viewed 156 times


I’m trying to run the Ddl command below that creates the table I need, but even not returning error the table is not created, would anyone have any idea where I’m going wrong?

public const string scriptCriacao =  " if exists(select * from sys.objects as o where o.type =N'u' and o.name = N'Tuss_temp')"+
" drop table Tuss_temp "+
" Create Table Tuss_temp ( "+
" competencia         nvarchar(30), "+
" codigoTerminologia  float, "+
" nomeTerminologia    nvarchar(256), "+
" codigoTermo nvarchar(30), "+
" termo nvarchar(256), "+
" dtInicioVigencia datetime, "+
" dtFimVigencia datetime, "+
" dtFimImplementacao datetime, "+
" tipoAcao nvarchar(256), " +

String connectionString = "Data Source=;Initial Catalog=PortalTISS_v3;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=teste";

SqlConnection SqlConn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(scriptCriacao, SqlConn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; 
  • Make sure it’s not the missing server port in connectionString.

  • The connection is established I don’t think this is it, the problem is that I execute the command that does not return error, but does not effect the creation of the table

  • The solution was to separate the scripts as can be seen below

  • I replicated exactly your example, just by changing the connection string data and it worked perfectly. Another issue you should consider is bank access permissions for other applications.

  • 1

    public const string scriptDrop = " if exists(select * from sys.Objects as o Where o.type =N'u' and o.name = N'Tuss_temp')"+ " drop table Tuss_temp "; public const string scriptCreate = " Create Table Tuss_temp ( "+ " nvarchar competition(30), "+ " codigoTerminologia float, "+
" nomeTerminologia nvarchar(256), "+
" codigoTermo nvarchar(30), "+
" termo nvarchar(256), "+
" dtInicioVigencia datetime, "+
" dtFimVigencia datetime, "+
" dtFimImplementacao datetime, "+
" tipoAcao nvarchar(256), " +

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1 answer


I solved the problem by separating the script into two as can be seen below.

Note: The constant with the table name is unrelated to the problem in question. Ismael in the comments did not have the problem to execute the composite script, I believe it may be the version of visual studio/C# I am using and/or the version of sql server I want to use.


public const string NomeTabela = "Tuss_temp";

public const string scriptDrop = " if exists(select * from sys.objects as o where o.type =N'u' and o.name = N'"+ NomeTabela + "')" + " drop table " + NomeTabela;

public const string scriptCreate = " Create Table " + NomeTabela + " ( " +
    " competencia         nvarchar(30), " +
    " codigoTerminologia  float, " +
    " nomeTerminologia    nvarchar(256), " +
    " codigoTermo nvarchar(30), " +
    " termo nvarchar(256), " +
    " dtInicioVigencia datetime, " +
    " dtFimVigencia datetime, " +
    " dtFimImplementacao datetime, " +
    " tipoAcao nvarchar(256), " +

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