Automate deploy on Jboss by Jenkins?


Viewed 212 times


What would be the best way to deploy Jboss EAP via Jenkins ?

After the completion of the build, if it occurs successfully, I would like to deploy my application, would be better via plugin or create some script (Running in post-build Jenkins).

Currently I deploy this manually, via Jboss console.

1 answer


Edson, there are specialized tools in automated Deploy that make your life a lot easier because they provide an immense range of possibilities and ways to work your deploy. Today I use Jenkins as a build orchestrator and have served me well, what I have read about using it as a deployment tool is not good, take a look here:

I advise you to take a look at IBM Urbancode Deploy, Bitbucket, Capistrano, Deploybot, Elasticbox, Juju... There are many, look for the one that best suits your environment.

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