Doubts Assembly mips


Viewed 318 times


Could someone explain to me how to use And, Andi, Or, Ori, Nor in Assembly mips? Because I would like to do something like this:

se (num1 > 0) e (num2 > 0) entao
    se (num1 <= 10) e (num2 <= 10) entao
       cont <- num1 + num2
       se (cont = resultado) entao
          escreval ("Parabéns você acertou!")
          escreval ("Você errou!")
          escreva ("O resultado é: ")
          escreva (cont)
       EscrevaL(" STATUS: ALGO INCOMUM. ")
       EscrevaL(" Você digitou os dados corretos? ")
    EscrevaL(" STATUS: ALGO INCOMUM. ")
    EscrevaL(" Você digitou os dados corretos? ")

1 answer


The AND and the OR is to do an operation between two registers, placing the result in another registrar. For example:

and $a0, $a1, $a2

That puts in $a0, the result of $a1 AND $a2.

Already the ANDI and the ORI is to do the operation between a register and a constant integer number, also placing the result in another registered one. For example:

andi $a0, $a1, 123

That puts in $a0, the result of $a1 AND 123.

To make your algorithm, you’d better rewrite it like this:

  se num1 <= 0 entao goto saida
  se num2 <= 0 entao goto saida
  x <- 10
  se num1 > x entao goto saida
  se num2 > x entao goto saida
  cont <- num1 + num2
  se cont = resultado entao goto parabens
  escreval("Você errou!")
  escreva("O resultado é: ")
  goto fim
  escreval("Parabéns você acertou!")
  goto fim
  EscrevaL(" Você digitou os dados corretos? ")

This way is closer to what you will translate into Assembly mips. Use loggers to store num1, num2, x, cont and resultado. Also use these instructions in the blocks se:

  • BLEZ - Conditionally jumps to a label if the register value is less than zero.

  • BEQ - Conditionally jumps to a label if the value of the register is equal to that of another registrar.

  • BGT - Conditionally jumps to a label if the value of a register is greater than that of another register.

  • J - Executes an unconditional balance for a label.

The program, except the parts of writing texts, will also use LI and ADD.


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