How many apps you can have on Google Play


Viewed 669 times


If possible, does anyone know how many apps you can have in the same Google Play account ?

  • There are no limits. The only limit is the amount of Apks uploads per day (15).

  • I believe that there is no limit! You can have as many as you want!

1 answer


Nothing was found that talks about limiting the amount of Apks in the Google Play Publish developer account, but there is a limit that it is the daily amount that 15 APK. See the message returned to the developer at the time they will do the upload:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

As for the size of each application, Google announced (28 September 2015) a change to help developers by changing the APK size of 50MB for 100MB, may be expandable according to documentation. See also more detail here in that documentation.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, there is a list in which talks about the value limit for each application according to the region which is useful to know.

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