How to leave the first character uppercase on the keyboard?


Viewed 1,242 times


How to start keyboard with uppercase letter for the user to start writing without having to tap the arrow to make the letter uppercase?

I used android:inputType="textCapCharacters" but it didn’t work out right, because he writes the whole text on one line and I don’t want that to happen

  • 1

    tries that way android:inputType="textCapSentences"

1 answer


Basically there are two ways to capitalize the first character on the keyboard, via XML and programmatically. See:


Set up your ExitText thus using textCapWords|textCapSentences:



EditText editor = new EditText(this); 
editor.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_SENTENCES);

See more details in the documentation.

  • This textCapSentences works yes, but it does not break line understand? I will test this Edittext

  • 1

    @Aline made an amendment, inserting textCapWord along with textCapSentences and it worked perfect here in my application. If there are any more questions, call here.

  • It worked here....

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