How to disable old dates in Bootstrap Datepiker version?


Viewed 818 times


Can not choose the old date. For example: Today is day 18/01/2017, You have to disable 17/01/2017, 16/01/2017 e assim vai ... Can not disable date today and future.

Here is the full code in jquery version :

How to do this in the version bootstrap datepicker ?

2 answers


  • Gabriel Weber, thank you for your reply, I thank you


Simple, just use the startDate, as in the example below.

  autoclose: true,
  startDate: 'd'

<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>

<input type="text" type="text" class="form-control" />

If you want days in the past or future, you can change to startDate: '-5d' or startDate: '+5d', which will put the initial date for 5 days before (-5d) or 5 days after (+5d).

  • Boy, it’s that simple ?

  • 1

    Incredible as it may seem, yes.

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