Perform calculations between inputs


Viewed 149 times


I’m using a plugin that when I click on the button + it multiplies the value.

It works perfectly but the calculation is only done inside the <span id="price" class="amount"></span> and brings the Total within the <span id="total" class="total_amount"></span>

When I try to put this interaction inside Input it doesn’t work.

function calculate(obj){
                var price = parseFloat($(obj).parent().parent().parent().find('.amount').text()) || 0;
                var quantity = parseInt($(obj).parent().find('.qty').val());
                var total = price * quantity;
            function changeQuantity(num,obj){
                $(obj).parent().find('.qty').val( parseInt($(obj).parent().find('.qty').val())+num);
    				if (e.keyCode == 38)   changeQuantity(1,this);
                    if (e.keyCode == 40) changeQuantity(-1,this);
<script src=""></script>
<table class="table cart">
       <th class="cart-product-thumbnail">&nbsp;</th>
       <th class="cart-product-name">Produto</th>
       <th class="cart-product-quantity">Quantidade</th>
       <th class="cart-product-price">Precço Unitario</th>
       <th class="cart-product-subtotal">Total</th>
     <tr class="cart_item">
       <td class="cart-product-thumbnail"></td>
       <td class="cart-product-name">
         <a href="#">Pera</a>
       <td class="cart-product-quantity">
          <div class="quantity clearfix">
             <input type="button" value="-" class="minus" field="quantity">
              <input type="text" id="quantity" name="quantity" value="1" class="qty" />
               <input type="button" value="+" class="plus" field="quantity">
        <td class="cart-product-price">
          R$ <span id="price" class="amount">50000</span>
        <td class="cart-product-subtotal">
           <span id="total" class="total_amount"></span>
           <tr class="cart_item">
              <td class="cart-product-thumbnail"></td>
              <td class="cart-product-name">
                 <a href="#">Uva</a>
              <td class="cart-product-quantity">
                 <div class="quantity clearfix">
                     <input type="button" value="-" class="minus" field="quantity">
                     <input type="text" id="quantity" name="quantity" value="1" class="qty" />
                      <input type="button" value="+" class="plus" field="quantity">
               <td class="cart-product-price">
                   R$ <span id="price" class="amount">40000</span>
                <td class="cart-product-subtotal">
                   <span id="total" class="total_amount"></span>
              <tr class="cart_item">
                 <td class="cart-product-thumbnail"></td>
                <td class="cart-product-name">
                  <a href="#">Teste 3</a>
                      <td class="cart-product-quantity">
                          <div class="quantity clearfix">
                              <input type="button" value="-" class="minus" field="quantity">
                              <input type="text" id="quantity" name="quantity" value="1" class="qty" />
                              <input type="button" value="+" class="plus" field="quantity">
                      <td class="cart-product-price">
                          R$ <span id="price" class="amount">35000</span>
                      <td class="cart-product-subtotal">
                          <span id="total" class="total_amount"></span>
                               <tr class="cart_item">
                      <td class="cart-product-thumbnail">
                      <td class="cart-product-name">
                          <a href="#">Teste 4</a>
                      <td class="cart-product-quantity">
                          <div class="quantity clearfix">
                              <input type="button" value="-" class="minus" field="quantity">
                              <input type="text" id="quantity" name="quantity" value="1" class="qty" />
                              <input type="button" value="+" class="plus" field="quantity">
                      <td class="cart-product-price">
                          R$ <span id="price" class="amount">35600</span>
                      <td class="cart-product-subtotal">
                          <span id="total" class="total_amount"></span>

  • What do you mean? What input? Is there a way you can put the structure you want into Jsfiddle, and show where you want the interaction to work?

  • @Juniornunes I created another Input Field just to show how would like the interaction


  • you want to, by changing the value of input quantity update the total value?

  • That’s right I’d like you to change the value of the total but I’m not getting it done

  • I just modified the calculate, see if this is what you want:

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2 answers


When you read the data inside a <span></span>, you access the text that is inside the tags through the method .text(). But to read the data that are in a <input></input>, you must read its value, with the method .val().

So, if you replace these lines in the method calculate:

var price = parseFloat($(obj).parent().parent().parent().find('.amount').text()) || 0;
/* ... */

for these:

var price = parseFloat($(obj).closest('.cart_item').find('.amount').val()) || 0;
/* ... */    

will have the same behavior as spans.

Besides, I’ve altered your chain of parent() for the method closest(), which locates the "nearest" Parent with that supplied selector.

Fiddle here:

Finally, by way of suggestion, you have several id's of repeated elements (quantity, price, total) . You must have only one id unique to each element. But it may be just for testing, as you do not use them.


As well suggested by @Juniornunes, if you want to keep both "systems", you can modify your method calculate and check if the element is a input through the method is of jQuery. Something like that:

function calculate(obj) {

    var obj_price = $(obj).closest('.cart_item').find('.amount');
    var obj_total = $(obj).closest('.cart_item').find('.total_amount');

    var price = parseFloat( ("input") ? obj_price.val() : obj_price.text()) ) || 0;
    var quantity = parseInt($(obj).closest('.cart_item').find('.qty').val());
    var total = price * quantity;

    if ("input")) {
    } else {

Fiddle here:

  • 1

    From what I understand it will need the 2 working, this way it works. but it would be nice if you put a condition to check if it is a input or a span to make the logic right. + 1

  • That’s right @mrlew Span wouldn’t need the repeated Ids was just for testing I’ll bring the BD Ids


I will not focus exclusively on the quality of your code, I will directly answer your question about the evento of input.

The same way you have a treatment for when they click on the "up arrow" and "down arrow" inside the input, just add an event input in the element to achieve what you want.

function calculate(obj){
                var price = parseFloat($(obj).parent().parent().parent().find('.amount').text()) || 0;
                var quantity = parseInt($(obj).parent().find('.qty').val());
                var total = price * quantity;
               $(obj).parent().parent().parent().find('.total_amount').text(isNaN(total) ? 0 : total); //adicionei somente uma validação aqui de NaN
            function changeQuantity(num,obj){
                $(obj).parent().find('.qty').val( parseInt($(obj).parent().find('.qty').val())+num);
    				if (e.keyCode == 38)   changeQuantity(1,this);
                    if (e.keyCode == 40) changeQuantity(-1,this);
    			$(".qty").on("input", function(e){
<script src=""></script>
<table class="table cart">
       <th class="cart-product-thumbnail">&nbsp;</th>
       <th class="cart-product-name">Produto</th>
       <th class="cart-product-quantity">Quantidade</th>
       <th class="cart-product-price">Precço Unitario</th>
       <th class="cart-product-subtotal">Total</th>
     <tr class="cart_item">
       <td class="cart-product-thumbnail"></td>
       <td class="cart-product-name">
         <a href="#">Pera</a>
       <td class="cart-product-quantity">
          <div class="quantity clearfix">
             <input type="button" value="-" class="minus" field="quantity">
              <input type="text" id="quantity" name="quantity" value="1" class="qty" />
               <input type="button" value="+" class="plus" field="quantity">
        <td class="cart-product-price">
          R$ <span id="price" class="amount">50000</span>
        <td class="cart-product-subtotal">
           <span id="total" class="total_amount"></span>
           <tr class="cart_item">
              <td class="cart-product-thumbnail"></td>
              <td class="cart-product-name">
                 <a href="#">Uva</a>
              <td class="cart-product-quantity">
                 <div class="quantity clearfix">
                     <input type="button" value="-" class="minus" field="quantity">
                     <input type="text" id="quantity" name="quantity" value="1" class="qty" />
                      <input type="button" value="+" class="plus" field="quantity">
               <td class="cart-product-price">
                   R$ <span id="price" class="amount">40000</span>
                <td class="cart-product-subtotal">
                   <span id="total" class="total_amount"></span>
              <tr class="cart_item">
                 <td class="cart-product-thumbnail"></td>
                <td class="cart-product-name">
                  <a href="#">Teste 3</a>
                      <td class="cart-product-quantity">
                          <div class="quantity clearfix">
                              <input type="button" value="-" class="minus" field="quantity">
                              <input type="text" id="quantity" name="quantity" value="1" class="qty" />
                              <input type="button" value="+" class="plus" field="quantity">
                      <td class="cart-product-price">
                          R$ <span id="price" class="amount">35000</span>
                      <td class="cart-product-subtotal">
                          <span id="total" class="total_amount"></span>
                               <tr class="cart_item">
                      <td class="cart-product-thumbnail">
                      <td class="cart-product-name">
                          <a href="#">Teste 4</a>
                      <td class="cart-product-quantity">
                          <div class="quantity clearfix">
                              <input type="button" value="-" class="minus" field="quantity">
                              <input type="text" id="quantity" name="quantity" value="1" class="qty" />
                              <input type="button" value="+" class="plus" field="quantity">
                      <td class="cart-product-price">
                          R$ <span id="price" class="amount">35600</span>
                      <td class="cart-product-subtotal">
                          <span id="total" class="total_amount"></span>

  • Something wrong with the answer? Please indicate so that I can correct.

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