Change namespace automatically when changing folder file


Viewed 763 times


I need to restructure the folders of a project, only that there are many files and their respective namespaces need to be changed.

Is there any way to change the namespace automatically when moving a file. Cs from one folder to another?

  • If you use R# you can change the folder files and at the end use the option to adjust the namespaces (select the files, right-click on the files, Refactor -> Adjust namespaces (shortcut: Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R)).

  • You can install Resharper?

  • Omni and Gypsy, I use the VS2013 Express. I tried to install it but could not because of the version.

  • @Filipeoliveira could try to install the Coderush (I’m not sure it works on Express).

  • @Omni, Coderush also does not work on no Express.

  • @Filipeoliveira the response of Sunstreaker is able to help you. Just pay attention to the comment I made in this reply (prevents headaches and speeds up the process)

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1 answer


A way to do this in Visual Studio without external aid is to make a simple locate and replace, press the keys CTRL + Shift + H, will open the window shown below, now just replace the namespace.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 2

    effectively, the lack of external assistance is the best that can be done. Although it is better to change the Look in for a more restricted scope (for example open all files in the folder and do the Find and Replace in the open files.

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