How do you detect three equal numbers?


Viewed 142 times


I have a cycle For that has two mt_rand, one of random numbers and the other mt_rand of numbers that are designated as prizes.

What I want now is to check when 3 equal numbers come out, make the sum of the values that came out in this mt_rand of the 3 numbers and return in a variable with the total sum of these values.


for ($i = 0; $i<9; $i++){
    $numeros = mt_rand(1,9);
    $premio = mt_rand(1,20);
    echo "valor" . ($i + 1) . "=$numeros&premio" . ($i + 1) . "=$premio&";
  • 1

    It is not clear enough this question to help you. Can you give us an example of how you want it to happen ?

  • This is a project like scratch card in the flash I have 9 squares and I have a boot buy the scratch card when I click buy it goes to php and in the cycle for generates the numbers of luck and the respective prizes that will appear in the boxes I want that when you leave 3 equal numbers it add the values of the prizes that leave in those 3 equal numeoros and return in a total variable the value to show in the flash

  • usually in other languages, we create a list, and each random number we play in the list, so it’s easy to check if the number already exists in the list in C# would look something like this: if(! listRnd[]. Contains(new))

  • Make a version of your algorithm in natural language, step by step, which I put my suggestion of the PHP version. It will be a pleasure to help!

  • A natural language version as well ?

  • 1

    As @Dorathoto said, in languages like C# and Java there are libraries that make it easy to solve this problem. You play all numbers in a list, and use, using Java as an example: Collections.Frequency(list, number) returns the frequency, List.contains(object) returns Boolean etc.. .

  • Yes but in php you can also do I think

  • The three numbers must be equal in that example set, 5,5,5 (valid), 5,5,5,8 (possible invalid). That is to each group of three, all must be equal.

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2 answers


The question lacks more accurate information to demonstrate a concise solution. But regardless of that, based on what posted:

$premio_soma = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i<9; $i++) {
    $n = mt_rand(1, 9);
    $premio[$n][] = mt_rand(1, 20);
    if (isset($numeros[$n])) {
        // encontrou 3 ocorrências do mesmo número
        if ($numeros[$n] == 3) {
            // teste, exibe os 3 números a somar
            echo '<pre>'; print_r($premio[$n]); echo '</pre>'; //exit;
            // some os 3 numeros
            $premio_soma = array_sum($premio[$n]);
            // interrompe o laço de repetição
    } else {
        $numeros[$n] = 1;

echo 'premio: '.$premio_soma;

It is possible to optimize and/or create a better logic. I just did it in a way following the logic of what posted based on the "structure" of the original code.


Another way to solve is to join each group of three and check that all are equal, note the initial value of $i went from zero to one, to identify the multiples of three:

$sorteados = array();
for($i = 1; $i<10; $i++){
    $numero = mt_rand(1,9);
    $premio = mt_rand(1,20);
    $sorteados[] = $numero;

    if($i % 3 === 0){
        if($sorteados[0] == $sorteados[1] && $sorteados[1] == $sorteados[2]){
            printf('Iguais: %s - %s - %s | prêmio: %s <br>', $sorteados[0], $sorteados[1], $sorteados[2], array_sum($sorteados));
            printf('Sorteados: %s - %s - %s | prêmio: %s  <br>', $sorteados[0], $sorteados[1], $sorteados[2], $premio);
        $sorteados = array();

Possible exit:

Iguais: 8 - 8 - 8    | prêmio: 24
Sorteados: 8 - 1 - 1 | prêmio: 17
Sorteados: 4 - 7 - 8 | prêmio: 12 

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