Is there a library that can view documents (doc,docx) to be viewed in the browser on an intranet without needing external resources like google Docs or office live? I need some component that doesn’t need external access.
Is there a library that can view documents (doc,docx) to be viewed in the browser on an intranet without needing external resources like google Docs or office live? I need some component that doesn’t need external access.
Solution practice, if it is to render only, convert to PDF, this technically solves a lot of compatibility problem between different browsers and even absence of plugins or activex (Internet Explorer), as today the popular browsers already have natively embedded PDF readers:
Mobile browsers apparently already have built-in API which for PDF makes view
Alternative solutions (taken from Soen):
Office 365:
<iframe src="https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/embed.aspx?src={URL DO DOCUMENTO}"></iframe>
Use google Docs:
<iframe src="http://docs.google.com/gview?url={URL DO DOCUMENTO}&embedded=true"></iframe>
Note: change
by the desired URL
However you can implement with PDF.js in any modern browser and even customize the viewer your needs, simple example:
Although I really believe that the best is to send in PDF format to the production server for the following reasons:
However still you may want to do the conversion on the server, if the server is a linux is install the unoconv, some linux will have this via repository, with a SSH
and apt-get
or yum
may be able to install supported distros:
Or you can compile on the server:
Requirements: unoconv requires Python and requires Libreoffice or Openoffice with UNO.
An example of terminal use:
$ /home/compilado/unoconv /home/user/meudocumento.doc
In PHP you can use:
//Seta o arquivo que será convertido (pode ser um arquivo vindo de um upload)
$input = '/home/user/meudocumento.doc';
//Define aonde será salvo
$output = '/home/user/meudocumento.pdf';
//Caminho do executável acaso não esteja global, se estiver global basta setar 'unoconv'
$exec = '/home/compilado/unoconv';
//Escapar os argumentos (este é necessário para evitar problemas com espaços e acentos)
$inputarg = escapeshellarg($input);
$outputarg = escapeshellarg($output);
//Executa o comando
$resultado = shell_exec($exec . ' -f pdf -o ' . $outputarg . ' ' . $inputarg);
//Resposta da conversão
As I explained in this reply /a/100798/3635, Phpoffice offers such support
To install add to require:
of your composer.json
(it is necessary to have the dompdf
also to write the PDF):
"require": {
"dompdf/dompdf": "0.6.*",
"phpoffice/phpword": "v0.13.*"
And then run on the terminal or cmd:
cd c:\wamp\www\projeto
composer update
To convert a Word to PDF you only need to import the libraries (you will need to use composer
), follows an example (source: https://github.com/PHPOffice/PHPWord):
require_once 'bootstrap.php';
use PhpOffice\PhpWord\Settings;
use PhpOffice\PhpWord\IOFactory;
$temp = IOFactory::load('pasta/doc.docx');
$xmlWriter = IOFactory::createWriter($temp , 'PDF');
$xmlWriter->save('pasta/doc.pdf', true);
If you are using PHP7, there is a BUG https://github.com/PHPOffice/PHPWord/issues/732, however in the version dev from the repository the problem has been fixed:
{ "require": { "phpoffice/phpword": "dev-develop" } }
Using repositories/branchs in development can be a risk, I recommend testing well before.
A detail by the office package the fidelity is much greater than by the php libraries to see this now
Please avoid long discussions in the comments; your talk was moved to the chat
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I don’t think so, unless you implement a solution like the Google Docs Api, to open as a document in your browser you can use this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4346117/how-can-i-view-open-a-word-document-in-my-browser-using-with-php-or-html
– Leonardo
@lvcs requires a plugin installed in the browser to view the doc through the solution put in the response of this link, unless it does what you mentioned above, implement with Google Docs. However, if the user is not editing the file it would be better to use the PDF format, at least browsers already support it.
– gato
I understand the issue that we cannot prevent the upload of attachments of type doc or docx and there is a need to check these files. I searched some places and some people convert to pdf to view in the browser ai to searching how to do this way.
– Thalles Daniel
Another option is to upload the file to some cloud api, hosting the doc, and from there, taking the link from it and sending it to the google Docs api
– Leonardo
@lvcs But following this line we would be stuck to an external solution that with google Docs would solve.
– Thalles Daniel
– Thalles Daniel
@Thallesdaniel but meets the goal which is to render even if it is on local server
– Leonardo