How to configure Fuelphp in Ubuntu 16?


Viewed 77 times


I need to "clone" a Fuelphp application, which runs on Lamp (linux) on the company server.

All went well and smooth in the first attempt, which was made in the customer’s local machine. Already this wheel in Xampp with Win 10.

But now that I’m trying to run on my machine (Ubuntu 16), the problems have started.

The whole installation is quiet, and Fuel PHP opens normally, but when I open a view (and a controller), it says that that file does not exist.

This is the error message when accessed by browser:

URL = xxx.xxxx.xxxx/jikken/index/

Not Found

The requested URL /Jiji/index/ was not found on this server.

Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) Server at xxxx.xxxx.xxxxPort 80

I don’t know if it’s an error in apache Virtualhost configuration or in the file .htaccess.

Someone knows how to fix this?

  • 1

    Mod_rewrite has already been activated? sudo a2emod rewrite

  • WORKED Facim Facim!!! thank you !! I will already study what is this of "rewrite" ! (please put as an answer, so I accept as being valid ! )

  • 1

    Postei, good that it worked :p

1 answer


When you install Apache2 on Ubuntu, it usually comes with the mod_rewrite disabled.

In that case, you can enable it like this:

sudo a2enmod rewrite
  • @Camilayamamoto all right? I did not understand your comment. The command is not the same as the answer?

  • @Camilayamamoto but the answer was with typo, has nothing to do with the command having changed. I really saw that the answer was wrong when I saw your comment. In fact the command a2enmod, instead of a2emod (typed wrong). The command has not been updated. Your comment helped me realize the typing error.

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