Hide in an Actionlink, is it possible?


Viewed 26 times


I’d like to depending on my condition ActionLink was visible or not.


      @Html.ActionLink("Cadastrar site","MontarFancyCadastrarSite", "ItemOS", 
       new {ChaveOS = Model.ChaveOS }, new { @class = "siteFancybox fancybox.iframe" })


$("#ChaveSite").change(function () {
   $.getJSON('@Url.Action("CarregarContatoSite","OS")',{chaveSite: $('#ChaveSite').val()}, 
     function (contatos) {
        if (contatos.length > 0)
            $(this).parent().find("a.siteFancybox fancybox.iframe").show();
        } else {                              
            $(this).parent().find("a.siteFancybox fancybox.iframe").hide();

That way above is not working, someone could show me the error or other way to do it?

2 answers



$(this).parent().find("a.siteFancybox fancybox.iframe").show();

put this:


I believe he is not finding the correct item even because in your question you did not specify where you were #ChaveSite

A simple example:

var contatos = 1;
$("#select").on("change", function()
  contatos = (contatos == 1) ? 0 : 1;
  if (contatos == 1) {
  } else {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js">
  <select id="select">
    <option value="1">Aparecer</option>
    <option value="0">Desaparecer</option>
      <a href="http://www.uol.com.br" 
         class="siteFancybox fancybox.iframe">Uol</a>

  • #Chavesite is a DDL.


I managed to sort it out like this:

First, I put the ID in the


                @Html.ActionLink("Cadastrar site","MontarFancyCadastrarSite", "ItemOS", 
                new {ChaveOS = Model.ChaveOS }, new { @class = "siteFancybox fancybox.iframe", id="cadastrarSite" })

And in the Jquery:

  $("#ChaveSite").change(function () {
    $.getJSON('@Url.Action("CarregarContatoSite", "OS")', { chaveSite: $('#ChaveSite').val() }, function (contatos) {
        if (contatos.length > 0) {               
        } else {                              

It worked perfectly for my problem.

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