In an attempt to create a function that inserted a value in a windows registry key, I came across an error. I use Windows 8 and Python 3.5. The function is as follows:
def inserir1(nome,path):
import winreg
The error this script generates is as follows::
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Usuario\Desktop\Inserir Chave.py", line 16, in <module>
File "C:\Users\Usuario\Desktop\Inserir Chave.py", line 8, in inserir1
PermissionError: [WinError 5] Acesso negado
So I tried to run the script with administrator privileges, but without success, as the same error occurred even with such privileges. I tried to do manually by regedit and there was no problem at all. How can I get permission to run this script?
How did you perform the process in Adm mode? You opened the CMD with the right and chose "Run as Administrator"?
– Guilherme Nascimento
I did it in two ways: I opened cmd as administrator by right-clicking mouse and typed python inserirchave.py; the other way was by opening python itself as administrator, also by right-clicking (in this case, I typed line by line)
– Benedito