How to pass command line arguments in PHP?


Viewed 239 times


Guys I’d like to do those scripts that pass arguments.

Ex. php script.php -email [email protected]

Where can I find documentation about this?

PS: I just want to know how to pass these arguments

2 answers


Use $argv, thus:


Is similar to

Note that $argv[0] always returns the name of the script called, for example in Windows:

C:\Users\Guilherme\Desktop>php teste.php foo bar
    [0] => C:\Users\Guilherme\Desktop\teste.php
    [1] => foo
    [2] => bar

To remove the first item you can use array_shift, thus:


$argumentos = $argv;
$script = array_shift($argumentos);

echo $script, '<br>';

echo 'Argumentos:<br>';


Assuming you want to take specific elements you won’t even need the array_shift, if you know you want to take the first parameter and the second for example, just check with an IF() the amount (use the $argc to obtain the amount of parameters passed) and then take the specific index:

if ($argc >= 3) {
    $primeiro = $argv[1];
    $segundo = $argv[2];
} else {
    die('Parâmetros incorretos');


  • face if I need to ask questions like. What’s your name ? and expect an answer?

  • @Lucasbicalleto a question would be an input that waits for the user to type?

  • Yes, how can I do that and recover the data? sorry to abuse the questions :/

  • Put as a new question please, as soon as you do I already put a new answer there.


Utilize $argv that are predefined variables:



Command line:

php args.php -email [email protected]


array(3) {
  string(8) "args.php"
  string(6) "-email"
  string(31) "[email protected]"

To documentation is on the website

If you want to count the number of arguments use $argc, which is also part of predefined variables:

Command line:

php args.php -email [email protected]



Remarks: so much $argv and $argc need that register_argc_argv is enabled to function and what defines one argument from the other is space.


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