Create control flow in playlist for web player


Viewed 92 times


To illustrate what I’m looking for, note the figure:

Screen Shot

For this I put the source code for example:




<style type="text/css">
#slide #screenshot {
width: 480px;
height: 360px;
border: solid 3px #333;

#slide a {
border: solid 1px #333;
background-color: #F7F7F7;
padding: 5px;
text-decoration: none;
color: #000;

#slide a:hover {
border: solid 1px #333;
text-decoration: underline;
background-color: #333;
color: #FFF;

#slide a.hover {
background-color: #333;
color: #FFF;

#slide #controle {
width: 480px;
height: 360px;
text-align: center;
padding-top: 15px;



<div id="slide">

<div id="screenshot">

<img src="screenshot/1.jpg" width="480px" height="360px" border="0" alt="Banner">


<div id="controle">

<a href="#" onclick="troca(1);"> &#171 Anterior </a>&nbsp;&nbsp;

<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="screenshot1" class="hover" onclick="troca('0');">1</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="screenshot2" onclick="troca('1');">2</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="screenshot3" onclick="troca('2');">3</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="screenshot4" onclick="troca('3');">4</a>

&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="troca(-1);"> Próximo &#187 </a>




img = ['1', '2', '3', '4']

indice = 0;

function troca(i) {

    if (i == 0 || i == 1 || i == 2 || i == 3) {

        indice = i;

    } else {

        if (indice == img.length - 1) {

            indice = 0;

        } else {



    document.getElementById("screenshot1").setAttribute("class", "");
    document.getElementById("screenshot2").setAttribute("class", "");
    document.getElementById("screenshot3").setAttribute("class", "");
    document.getElementById("screenshot4").setAttribute("class", "");
    document.getElementById("screenshot" + img[indice]).setAttribute("class", "hover");

    document.getElementById("screenshot").innerHTML = "<img src='screenshot/" + img[indice] + ".jpg' width='480' height='360' border='0' alt='snap shot'>";


I didn’t define thumbnail at the following links:

<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="screenshot1" class="hover" onclick="troca('0');">1</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="screenshot2" onclick="troca('1');">2</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="screenshot3" onclick="troca('2');">3</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="screenshot4" onclick="troca('3');">4</a>

I preferred to leave by numbers to detect possible mistakes, since it is being created.

My difficulty is in making logical flow control between "next/previous"

I know the problem is here..

if (indice == img.length - 1) {

indice = 0;

} else {


  • See if this helps (BS: I wasn’t the one who was negative and I didn’t understand why)

  • I don’t get it, it’s video or photo?

  • This is clear, but people (probably) are hoping to try to understand if you want to play a video, photo or other thing to create an example upon the usage you need.

  • See if the answer helps you

2 answers


Changes its function troca this one should work. Try adding a Jsfiddle that will help a lot.

img = ['1','2','3','4']

indice = 0;

function resetThumbnail () {
	document.getElementById("screenshot1").className = "";
    document.getElementById("screenshot2").className = "";
    document.getElementById("screenshot3").className = "";
    document.getElementById("screenshot4").className = "";
    document.getElementById("screenshot" + img[indice]).className = "hover";

function troca(i) {
    indice += i;


    this.className = 'hover';

    // edit - adicionando um limitador.
    if (indice < 0) {
        indice = 0;
    } else if (indice > img.length - 1) {
        indice = img.length - 1;

    document.getElementById("screenshot").innerHTML = "<img src='screenshot/" + img[indice] + ".jpg' width='480' height='360' border='0' alt='snap shot'>";
#slide #screenshot {
width: 480px;
height: 360px;
border: solid 3px #333;

#slide a {
border: solid 1px #333;
background-color: #F7F7F7;
padding: 5px;
text-decoration: none;
color: #000;

#slide a:hover {
border: solid 1px #333;
text-decoration: underline;
background-color: #333;
color: #FFF;

#slide a.hover {
background-color: #333;
color: #FFF;

#slide #controle {
width: 480px;
height: 360px;
text-align: center;
padding-top: 15px;
<div id="slide">

<div id="screenshot">

<img src="screenshot/1.jpg" width="480px" height="360px" border="0">

<div id="controle">

<a href="#" onclick="troca(-1);"> &#171 Anterior </a>&nbsp;&nbsp;

<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="screenshot1" class="hover" onclick="troca('0');">1</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="screenshot2" onclick="troca('1');">2</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="screenshot3" onclick="troca('2');">3</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="screenshot4" onclick="troca('3');">4</a>

&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="troca(1);"> Próximo &#187 </a>



I don’t understand the purpose of the rest of your job.

  • troca(-1); will change the <img> for the previous index, troca(1); next time.

  • In your code the thumbnail tbm is not working?

  • I updated the code, test there.

  • I am glad that you have shared with me some of your knowledge, although I do not know why it has not yet worked as it should. But it became clear as learning.

  • I have already found out if your code fails my tests. I will re-edit your answer in exact detail. So it will stay for future research as the second alternative to this question.


I believe the code should look like this:

var img = ['1','2','3','4'];

var indice = 0;

function troca(i) {
    //Verifica se o numero esta dentro da quantidade de indices
    if (i < img.length) {
       indice = i;
    } else {

    document.getElementById("screenshot1").className = "";
    document.getElementById("screenshot2").className = "";
    document.getElementById("screenshot3").className = "";
    document.getElementById("screenshot4").className = "";
    document.getElementById("screenshot" + img[indice]).className = "hover";

    document.getElementById("screenshot").innerHTML = "<img src='screenshot/" + img[indice] + ".jpg' width='480' height='360' border='0' alt='screenshot/" + img[indice] + ".jpg'>";

function proximo() {
    //Soma mais 1 e se passar do limite do indice torna 0 novamente

    if (indice >= img.length) {
       indice = 0;


function anterior() {
    //Subtrai 1, se for menor que 0 move para o ultimo item do indice

    if (indice < 0) {
       indice = img.length - 1;

.hover {
    padding: 5px;
    background-color: #F00;
    color: #fff;
<div id="screenshot">

<img src="screenshot/1.jpg" width="480px" height="360px" border="0" alt="1">


<a href="#" onclick="anterior();"> &#171 Anterior </a>&nbsp;&nbsp;

<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="screenshot1" class="hover" onclick="troca('0');">1</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="screenshot2" onclick="troca('1');">2</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="screenshot3" onclick="troca('2');">3</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="screenshot4" onclick="troca('3');">4</a>

&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="proximo();">Próximo &#187</a>

  • 1

    I thank you, since already for the time willing to help me. I put my vote on your performance for finalizing with precision and attention.

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