I’m using JS Fullpage to anchor the links, but each Section is 100% high, and sometimes it gets in the way of something in my css, which sometimes gets a larger font size or wrong position. I was wondering if you have anything like fullpage?
This is the Script
$(document).ready(function () {
anchors: ['Start', 'Devices', 'HowWeWork', 'FrequentlyAskedQuestions', 'Contact'],
menu: '#menu',
slidesNavigation: true,
offsetSections: true,
offsetSectionsKey: 'YWx2YXJvdHJpZ28uY29tX2ZZM2IyWm1jMlYwVTJWamRHbHZibk09MWpN'
I basically wanted you to just anchor the links with the scroll, clicking on the links, or pressing the navigation keys, but with auto height, same as this example: http://alvarotrigo.com/fullPage/examples/mediaqueries.html#anchor3
Obs: I have already used the class fp-auto-height
but it didn’t work out the way I want it to.
Obs2: if the content is larger than the page, also allow scrolling as this example: http://alvarotrigo.com/fullPage/extensions/scrolloverflow-reset.html#secondPage