Regular expression


Viewed 2,696 times


I have a question how can I make a regular expression to remove phone masks, Cpf, cnpj.

I managed to get ("-") out of the zip code

String[] cepText = edtCep.getText().toString().split("-");

there in the case of phone has ()#####-#### how can I remove?

  • In short, you want only the numbers?

  • Yes only the numbers, @Randrade

2 answers


You can use the expression [^0-9] to obtain only the numbers.

An example would be this:

    String tel = "(99) 9 9999-9999";
    String cpf = "111.111.111-11";
    String cnpj = "11.111.111/0001-11";

    System.out.println("Tel: " + tel.replaceAll("[^0-9]", ""));
    System.out.println("CPF: " + cpf.replaceAll("[^0-9]", ""));
    System.out.println("CNPJ: " + cnpj.replaceAll("[^0-9]", ""));

See it working on Ideone.


If your intention is to leave the string only with the numbers use:

    String fone = "(51)9994-5845";
    String cpf = "025.454.644-55";
    String cnpj = "02.321.351/0001-35";

    System.out.println(fone.replaceAll("[^\\d ]", ""));
    System.out.println(cpf.replaceAll("[^\\d ]", ""));
    System.out.println(cnpj.replaceAll("[^\\d ]", ""));

Using negation and different values of numeric digits ( d), all different characters of numbers will be removed from the string. This avoids the need to keep adding restrictions to hyphens, parentheses, dots, etc...

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