ASP.NET Identity and Claims


Viewed 1,708 times


Still on ASP.NET Identity, following another question I asked about this (Example of ASP.NET Identity using SQL Server), an interesting topic within the same subject would be regarding Claims.

What is it about? What would be a basic implementation for teaching purposes?

  • 1

    I’ve favoured it. I’ll reply in my spare time.

  • 2

    I think that’s answered in your other question.. there’s no way one thing can be explained without another rs

1 answer


What is this about?

Claims are portions of data that form an identity. An identity is any and all information used to uniquely identify a user.

A basic implementation for teaching purposes

Here has a very complete example, in English. As the example is very large, I don’t think it is worth pasting it here.

However, if the example is not enough, I will design a project to demonstrate how it works and host it on Github.

  • 2

    Question saved by the gong! (rs) Or rather by the Gypsy..

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