Internet Explorer blocks javascript


Viewed 387 times


I programmed a website and would like it to work in all browsers. But in IE, in all versions, it does not work as desired. I noticed that he was blocking my javascript and jquery codes with a message about activeX. Where I work, for example, we use a standard skeleton for the layout of websites, which makes it much easier. I leave a link to one of the following: It normally runs jquery and all scripts. Now on the site I did alone from the beginning, IE ends up blocked with Activex.

  • If you can explain the problem you have in particular better. Your question is too broad, see Help Center How to Ask.

  • I added information in the question post.

  • In which version of IE did you see this problem happening?

  • In all versions, taking into account that I tested first in the latest version available. I ended up finding a solution by putting the following code before the <html> tag: <!-saved from url=(0014)about:internet-> I don’t understand how it works, but it works.

  • Could show how your scripts are referenced in HTML?

1 answer


Take the next steps.

Configuration - Internet Counters - Security - Custom level - Activex control and plug-ins - Check the flags you want.

From the screen you access on the way you have to go testing the settings. I hope for sure.

  • But there is no way to do this automatically? Type it interpret jquery without the user having to enter the browser settings?

  • The execution of a Script involves security issues and permissions. And when it comes to IE I don’t think it will be possible to run auto. But wait, maybe someone knows how to do it. By checking the flags you were able to run? See more

  • 1

    @Welcome to the Sopt. Just to help you understand the philosophy of the Q&A website, the important things are the questions and the answers, in a very objective way. We are not equal to forums or social networks. We give answers that can help anyone who comes here to read. That’s why we don’t refer to users, we don’t say good night (because it can be day when the person is reading) and we don’t greet each other. At least it is so in the questions and answers. In the comments we are more free.

  • Understood @bigown

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