Pagedlist: Data Pagination with Ajax


Viewed 593 times


I’m using Pagedlist with Ajax, but I can’t change the page because when I click on the button, which represents the page, the value that is going to the controller is null. I made the following structure:


@model PagedList.IPagedList<MeuProjeto.Web.ViewModels.ClienteViewModel>
@using PagedList.Mvc;
<div id="ClientesTableDiv">
    @Html.Partial("_ClientesTable", Model)

@Html.PagedListPager(Model, pagina => Url.Action("Paginacao","Cliente", pagina ), 
          new AjaxOptions() { 
                              HttpMethod = "POST",
                              UpdateTargetId = "ClientesTableDiv" 


public PartialViewResult Paginacao(int? pagina)
    int numeroPagina = pagina ?? 1; // A pagina está vindo como nula.
    int tamanhoPagina = 5;

    return PartialView("_ClientesTable",
              clientesViewModel.ToPagedList(numeroPagina, tamanhoPagina));

The code of the last line of the View must be changed?

1 answer


There’s an adjustment to be made here:

  • Is pagina place new {pagina}:
  • Instead of POST, place GET, because in that case it is link:

@Html.PagedListPager(Model, pagina => Url.Action("Paginacao","Cliente", new { pagina }), PagedListRenderOptions.EnableUnobtrusiveAjaxReplacing( new AjaxOptions() { HttpMethod = "GET", UpdateTargetId = "ClientesTableDiv" }))

  • In the method also change the Verb for GET

public PartialViewResult Paginacao(int? pagina)
    int numeroPagina = pagina ?? 1; // A pagina está vindo como nula.
    int tamanhoPagina = 5;

    return PartialView("_ClientesTable",
        clientesViewModel.ToPagedList(numeroPagina, tamanhoPagina));
  • Thanks Virgilio! It worked, but it generated another problem hehe. The first link does not generate the same settings as the other links (href, data-ajax, ...), so you do not have how to request the controller.

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