How to refresh a bootstrap-table after giving update?


Viewed 1,433 times


Next, in the rows of my table bootstrap when I click opens a modal where I can change the selected information after click. I wanted that right after I clicked on the change button, my table (and only her) updated without I need to give a "refresh on the whole page". I tried with the Javascript down but nothing happens.

var dados = [];
var $myModal = $('#myModal');
var btnAltera = $('#btn-altera');
var $table = $('#table-forms');

    $.get('/Formulario/SelecionarFormularios', function(data){
        if (data != null){
            var Formularios =;
            $.each(Formularios, function (i, data) {
                var forms = {
                    id: data.IdFormulario,
                    idempresa: data.IdEmpresa,
                    nomeform: data.NomeFormulario,
                    nomeempresa: data.Empresa.Nome,
                    logopath: data.Empresa.LogoPath,

    setTimeout(function () {
            data: dados,
            pagination: true,
            pageSize: 10,
            search: true,
            showRefresh: true,
            showExport: true,
            sidePagination: 'client',
            dataClickToSelect: true,
            columns: [
                    title: 'ID',
                    field: 'id',
                    align: 'center',
                    sortable: true,
                    title: 'IDEMPRESA',
                    field: 'idempresa',
                    align: 'center',
                    sortable: true,
                    title: 'NOME FORMULÁRIO',
                    field: 'nomeform',
                    align: 'center',
                    sortable: true,
                    title: 'EMPRESA',
                    field: 'nomeempresa',
                    align: 'center',
                    sortable: true,
                    title: 'LOGO-URL',
                    field: 'logopath',
                    align: 'center',
                    sortable: true,
        }).on('', function (e, row, $element) {

            var BotstrapDialog = $myModal;

                show: 'false'

   () {
                $table.bootstrapTable('refresh', {
                    url: '/Formulario/Formulario'
    }, 200);

    function AlterarFormulario() {
        $.post('/Formulario/AlterarFormulario', {
            IdFormulario: $('#id').val(),
            NomeFormulario: $('#nomeform').val(),


<div class="row">
    <table id="table-forms" class="table table-bi table-hover" style="table-layout:auto;">
  • As you change this data, they go to which place, a variable database as you work that information. The update should also be called when you close the modal and not at the same time it opens ...

  • So I’m using the mvc method... so I call an action in the controller I created to update and then send it to Sqlserver with json and such...

2 answers


In your scope, I’d do it this way:

Scope ta dabela:

<tr id="row_12">
  <td class="htmlCampo1">...
  <td class="htmlCampo2">...
  <td class="htmlCampo3">...


$(document).ready(function(){ () {
    if (AlterarFormulario(row_12 //row que quer alterar)) { //se retornar true; 

      //crie uma funcao que pegue os valores dos campos do modal e insira na tabela
      funcAltera(row, campo1, campo2, campo3...);

Function that will change the data in Row

function funcAltera(row, campo1, campo2, campo3...) {
    $("#" + row + " td.htmlCampo1").html(campo1);
    $("#" + row + " td.htmlCampo2").html(campo2);
    $("#" + row + " td.htmlCampo3").html(campo3);    
  • Sorry friend I forgot to inform that I change in the database with json and such... to using mvc. I needed the table to refresh to show what I change with the modal...

  • If it’s with MVC, why don’t you just create a view with your table and load it always via ajax? So you have a specific action to do whatever you want with the view. Place a div where your table is and load this view via ajax. Whenever you call the url of this table, it will be updated. Ex: If you update the data, make a $.ajax table url for the div that is pointing the table. Got it?

  • Yes, I understood, bro, but I couldn’t do it. So instead of refreshing, I opted for Reload on the whole page. But thanks !


Solved in an alternative way...

Location.Reload(); <- In Javascript, after clicking the button.

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