How do I create a directory through the Harbour language?


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How do I create a directory through the Harbour language?

For example, I want to create a folder temp within the current directory from which the program is running.

3 answers


First of all, I don’t recommend creating temporary things in the program folder. OS usually already has a definition of temp for that reason.

The function to create a directory is

hb_DirCreate( 'temp' )


IF hb_DirCreate( cDir ) == 0
   ? "Diretório criado com sucesso"

Which equals the old MakeDir of the Clipper. Of curiosity, when the flag HB_COMPAT_C53 is active when building Harbour, it activates this line:


that stays in src/rtl/dirdrive.c

If you want a more complex path (recursive creation):

hb_DirBuild( 'caminho/composto')

Regarding the location observation of temporary, think that often the application is installed in a location, such as an SSD, and the temporary in a normal hard drive to avoid premature wear, or even in a Ramdisk for faster speed of execution. It would be good to respect the preferences of the system administrator.

To get the location of temp of the system:

cLocal := hb_DirTemp()

And there’s also the hb_FTempCreate, who already takes care of all this I mentioned and creates the temporary file, and is abstracted by

TempFile([<cDirectory>], [<cExtension>], [<nFileAttr>])

The documentation is at, but is in a process of general reorganization, a little confused to leave permalinks at the moment


Using the function MakeDir(). So just do it:

MakeDir("caminho desejado").

Remembering that Harbour is case-insentive and in thesis you can write the name of the function as you want. It returns 0 if the creation occurred ok, or the error number returned by the operating system. The Harbour does not usually use exceptions to report errors, even having a mechanism for it. The function FError() can be used in an auxiliary way.

The function is compatible with Clipper. There are some aliases of the function.


One way is by using the function MAKEDIR


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