Error while adding Progressidialog


Viewed 69 times


inserir a descrição da imagem aquiI’m having trouble adding a dialog in this listview method, there is another way to make it work?

listDebitosPendentes.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {

    dialog =,
                             "Aguarde","Enviando Boleto....",true);
    public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {              
        Intent intent= new Intent(getApplicationContext(),DetalhesDebitosActivity.class);
        //Passa para a activity o id no banco de dados

  • Which error occurs?

  • @Marcogiovanni, I added an error print to the question

  • Try it this way

  • @Marcogiovanni, continues the same error.

  • Dei +1 despite the song

1 answer


Try this code to show an indeterminate progress bar that shows a spinner:

dialog = new ProgressDialog(DebitosPendentesActivity.this);

dialog.setMessage("Enviando Boleto....");
  • Oops, it worked! Thanks.

  • I only have a problem, when I return from the Internet where I show the details of this boleto, the dialog does not end, only if I click off the screen. Is there any way you can put the dialog.dimiss();

  • @Rodrigo.oliveira, according to its logic, the dialog.dismiss(); shall be called when the boleto is finalised. However, in your code, you are only showing the dialog when the user registers a Reader for the list, so you start the dialog, but you have no control over when to finish it. It would be interesting for you to read Async Tasks

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