Giving sequence to the post "How to generate a Sine curve", where I made some adjustments:
I am still working on this ECG simulator (electrocardiogram), and now I need to "manipulate" the times inside the simulator,
For example: It takes a long time between applying the medicine and waiting for it to go through the whole process to check the results. So I created this button that "does the time pass" at twice the speed.
- Although initially WORKED (And the graph is similar), WHEN I change the speed and ONLY then apply the medicine.
- But if I change this speed "DURING" the transition, crazy things happen in the results.
- Please check this example of Codepen where I used an example of Jquery-Flot
That is, no matter the speed of time, the graph should always be identical.
for this I simply divided the times of the variables..
This is the part of the code that creates the wave Sine
if( medicineTime1 >= 1 ){
if( medicineTime1 < 1 ){ medicineTime1 = .1; }
// o "high2Temp e linear", transformando em "seno"...
// criar o "envelope" apra ancorar o coeficiente.
high2Target = high2TargetPhase1;
high2Final = high2Target + high2Temp;
high2FinalSum= high2Final / medicineTime1 ;
high2Temp = high2Temp - high2FinalSum;
// criar o coeficiente.
coefficient = ( high2FinalSum / high2TempTimeG );
// para dividir em 2 (metades), durante o tempo de "de subida".
if( !isMedicineTime1Temp ){
medicineTime1Temp = medicineTime1;
// assumindo que sempre partiremos de "Normal ECG"
// high2Inicial = 70;
high2Inicial = high2;
isMedicineTime1Temp = true;
// primeira metade
if( medicineTime1 > medicineTime1Temp / 2 ){
apple = apple + coefficient;
high2 = high2 - apple;
// segunda metade
if( medicineTime1 < medicineTime1Temp / 2 ){
apple = apple - coefficient;
high2 = high2 - apple;
// a frequencia sempre sera linear...
frequency2Target = frequency2TargetPhase1/frequency2Factor;
frequency2Final = frequency2Target-frequency2;
frequency2FinalSum= frequency2Final/medicineTime1 ;
frequency2 = frequency2 + frequency2FinalSum;
//high2 = high2TargetPhase1 * -1;
frequency2 = frequency2TargetPhase1/frequency2Factor;
medicinePhase1 = false;
medicinePhase2 = true;
isMedicineTime1Temp= false;
And here as I divide the variables:
document.getElementById('buttonTime1').onclick = function(){
updateInterval = updateInterval*2;
medicineTime1 = medicineTime1*2;
high2TempTimeG = 50;
document.getElementById("log").innerHTML = "tempo = 1 ";
document.getElementById('buttonTime2').onclick = function(){
updateInterval = updateInterval/2;
medicineTime1 = medicineTime1/2;
high2TempTimeG = 25;
document.getElementById("log").innerHTML = "<font color=red> tempo = 5 </font>";
Then here is my doubt, why does the code work in one situation, and not in the second? since all variables are the same?
what am I not seeing? where I have to pay attention?