I am using the plugin Jquey Validation and I am trying to leave the error mark in the input as in the image I am passing attached, I tried some alternatives and the result was not as expected, what I have:
$("#frmLaudo").validate({ // Regras rules: { ID: { required:true, }, Cooperante: { required:true }, Propriedade: { required:true }, UF: { required:true }, Municipio: { required:true } }, // Messages for form validation messages: { ID: { required: 'Por favor informe o ID' }, Cooperante: { required: 'Por favor informe o nome' }, Propriedade: { required: 'Por favor informe a propriedade' }, UF: { required: 'Por favor informe a UF' }, Municipio: { required: 'Por favor informe o Municipio' } }, ...
The CSS I tried would leave the background in red, but it’s not what I need, look:
label.error{ display: none!important; } .error{ background-color: red; }
What I really need is what you see in this picture:
jQuery Validation Plugin - v1.11.0 - 2/4/2013
Hi @Marconi, I tried, but the dialing is not shown.
– adventistapr
Opa tries like this
border: 2px dashed red;
. This Css either says 2px thick, dashed Stilo with red color.– Marconi