My site is giving error in Jquery and do not know what to do


Viewed 73 times


Sou novo na programação e estou desenvolvendo utilizando jquery e boostrap no wordpress. Porém ao fazer upload do tema para o servido aparece esse erro.

I am new to programming and am developing using jquery and boostrap in wordpress. But when uploading the theme to the server appears this error. Thank you for your attention.

  • Avoid prints, especially when it even displays some error...

  • Welcome! The more you specify your problem the easier it will be to help you. Your problem is time to upload the theme to the right wordpress? Does wordpress display some error message and the theme is not successfully uprooted? What would be the theme? wordpress version?

1 answer



The above message is not an error, it’s just a log. It’s saying that Jqmigrate has been loaded. If that’s all, you don’t have to worry ;)


To interact with the browser console uses a JS object, also called console. It can send various 'types' of messages used for different occasions.

Existing types and their respective uses are:

  • debug: debug code;
  • log: indicate relevant events;
  • warn: indicate that something out of the ordinary has happened, but the program will continue running as far as possible;
  • error: indicate that a serious error has occurred and may interfere with the execution of the program.

To send a message with one of the above types, just use the method with the same type name:

console.debug('Testando meu código');'É bom você saber disso');
console.log('Algo relevante aconteceu');
console.warn('Algo pode estar errado');
console.error('Algo definitivamente está errado');

In Chrome it is possible to distinguish the type through the message icon/color:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Therefore it is possible to realize that your message is a log and therefore is not an error.

  • Thanks for the tips. I will explain: after I activated the wordpress theme it does not load. Only appears the message I took print!

  • It keeps giving error 500. You want me to send the code?

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