Display the contents of Object Nodelist


Viewed 996 times


How to display received content through a objectNodeList ?

Through the following function I try to get the content of tags by the class.

function final(){
    var titulos = document.querySelectorAll(".p2.p2-resultado-busca");
    var result = document.getElementById('result');
    result.innerHTML = titulos;

However it returns an object, how to display this content ?

  • that this izzas

2 answers


The estate innerHTMLexpecting a String. That’s why it’s not working.

You can go through titulos and use appendChild to insert each element found in your desired element:

function final(){
    var titulos = document.querySelectorAll(".p2.p2-resultado-busca");
    var result = document.getElementById('result');
    //result.innerHTML = titulos;

     [].forEach.call(titulos, function(el) {


Observing: I used Array().forEach.call in that call due to the object NodeList do not possess this method.

  • show man vlw erea isso ai


Can make a simple loop to get the content:

var titulos = document.querySelectorAll(".p2.p2-resultado-busca");

var content = '';
for(var i = 0; i < titulos.length; i++)
    content += titulos[i].textContent;

document.getElementById('result').textContent = content;
<p class='p2 p2-resultado-busca'>a</p>
<p class='p2 p2-resultado-busca'>b</p>
<p class='p2 p2-resultado-busca'>c</p>

<p id='result'></p>

  • mto good man vlw

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