Tag Google Adwords Conversion Actions


Viewed 289 times


Creating a campaign on google Adwords** has the part that needs to validate clicks if they have been effective.

In "Conversion Actions" tools creates that script, which says the following that you should put on your successful page.

Right! , quiet if I had a successful page, now let’s get to the facts. It’s a form where the client’s email is captured. using Ajax, when success occurred in validating the email, ai yes it should consider. success!

  • So in my message, success put all the script? where is fired this event?
  • I’ve tested several shapes this week, but still not counting the hits correctly.
  • The closest I got, all the click that arrived by google Adwords, marked the hit as effective click, but in fact it should only effect if show the email message registered successfully.

Image Configuração**

  • Following the line, (I haven’t been able to validate yet)I marked as sure the answer of "Sorack",
  • But I still haven’t been able to implement the solution,

  • As soon as I can validate the process, I’ll put a "Answer" in my own question,
  • Showing the steps I needed to take to work.
  • But it seems that nobody knows! , everyone only knows the trivial,

    out of the happy way, boooom everyone dies.

1 answer


You can add a trigger to his tag. One trigger manages when a tag is activated. It consists of an event and one or more filters. Each filter consists of Variable, Operator and Valor.

  • Variable: Choice between url, referrer, etc..

  • Operator: Choice between equals, contains, etc..

  • Valor: Value that will be searched on the page.

You can use the events Form Submission or Clicks for your case.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The documentation is available at Triggers.


This is the image of the register of trigger completed for a form:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • That’s pretty vague, what google tool has that? on the link you posted, https://www.google.com/analytics/tag-manager/ plus ai asks for "SIGN UP FOR FREE", is that even when I will be able to use the service, will you charge me later? In this case, I’m going to an event like "Custom Events"?

  • The link from Google Tag Manager is this here and the event is WEB.

  • I’m even able to interact now. But the more I see, the more question I ask, I could not be more objective?

  • @Marceloferreira without knowing its structure of form and everything else is very difficult. The tool you want is the trigger, you just have to select the event Form Submission (WEB) and filter your form. There is not much secret. Then just link your trigger your tagin the adwords

  • hum.. sounds simple, it must be because I’m not used to that language. Example that => "Event name" that is this related to a syntax of them, or is a simple caption, this related to DOM, Javascript, understand, I am a developer, and I know if things are being played in the air in the end will not work.

  • @Marceloferreira added another image of what a registration would look like. It’s very simple, it’s hard to make it clearer than this

  • When I try to export Rigger, analyzing her code has a detail that I don’t think is right. "tagManagerUrl": "localhost:9001/#/container/Accounts/65656565/containers/6565/workspaces? apiLink=container"

  • @Marceloferreira localhost?

  • it looks like it generated this localhost:9001 code. shouldn’t be my host?

  • @Marceloferreira Print the screen of the trigger that you created for me to see

  • I posted the image on the question

  • @Marceloferreira then Marcelo, it seems that is correct, now has to put the trigger in your tag and test

  • I haven’t been able to validate it yet, but I have adopted a line recommended by google, but so far the issue is still unresolved. the process is over yet not designed a successful line

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