I have an HTML page with an empty table and when I press a button, it directs me to another page where there are 5 inputs , what I intend to do in javascript is to put the result of these 5 inputs in the table of the previous page.
Page 1, name = Calendar.html:
<table id="myTable2">
<th>Método de avaliação</th>
<th>Data da avaliação</th>
<th>Duração por dia</th>
<a href="CriarPlanoDeEstudo.html"><button type="button">Criar plano de estudo</button></a><br>
Page 2, name=Creatureplanodestudy.html
Antecedência: <input type="text" name="nome" id="antecedencia" placeholder="Dias de antecedencia"><br><p></p>
Data do Método: <input type="date" id="datadometodo" ><br><p></p>
Disciplina: <div id="disciplina"> </div>
Duração por dia: <input type="text" name="nome" id="duracaopordia" placeholder="Duração em horas"> <br><p></p>
Método de avaliação: <input type="text" name="nome" id="metododeavaliaçao" placeholder="Nome do método"> <br><p></p>
<a href="Calendario.html"><button type="button" id="concluir" >Concluir</button></a>
But why do you need to go to another page to fill out the data? You can leave it on the same page as adding the values in the table when the user clicks the Finish button.
– fernandoandrade
I’m doing this for page design and what I really want is to have Tablea on another page
– Força Chape