I have this block inside a record label that records a representative, which comes from a screen in ASP Classic.
v_qtd_rep := ts_obtem_dados_no_xml(v_no_completo,'QTD_REP');
for i in 1..v_qtd_rep loop
--delete from prestador_representante where cod_prestador_ts = v_COD_PRESTADOR_TS;
v_COD_PRESTADOR_TS := ts_obtem_dados_no_xml(v_no_completo,'COD_PRESTADOR_TS');
v_NOME_REPRESENTANTE := ts_obtem_dados_no_xml(v_no_completo,'NOME_REP_' || i);
v_DDD_REPRESENTANTE := ts_obtem_dados_no_xml(v_no_completo,'DDD_REP_' || i);
v_TEL_REPRESENTANTE := ts_obtem_dados_no_xml(v_no_completo,'TEL_REP_' || i);
v_ID_REPRESENTANTE := ts_obtem_dados_no_xml(v_no_completo,'ID_REPRESENTANTE_' || i);
select prestador_representante_seq.nextval into vId from dual;
--select nom_representante from ts.prestador_representante where cod_prestador_ts = v_COD_PRESTADOR_TS;
--if v_ID_REPRESENTANTE is null then
if v_NOME_REPRESENTANTE is not null and v_DDD_REPRESENTANTE is not null and v_TEL_REPRESENTANTE is not null and v_ID_REPRESENTANTE is null then
insert into ts.prestador_representante(id_representante, cod_prestador_ts, nom_representante, ddd_representante, tel_representante, dt_atu, cod_usuario_atu)
--end if;
update prestador_representante set nom_representante = v_NOME_REPRESENTANTE, ddd_representante = v_DDD_REPRESENTANTE, tel_representante = v_TEL_REPRESENTANTE
where cod_prestador_ts = v_COD_PRESTADOR_TS; */
end if;
end loop;
The fields that have the name,ddd and tel are dynamic. A button adds fields on the screen. A function ASP
take the data from the screen, turn it into a XML
and sends it to the ORACLE
. What happens is that when I open the screen and say it has 3 records, which are shown on the screen. If I have it processed, it turns to 5 and is processed again to 9 and so on. She won’t repeat the first record and don’t ask me, because I have no idea why. As I do, in the code above not to save the same name. The commented lines, are my attempts to make it work, apart from the already deleted ones. On hold.
Alysson, this was already another attempt not to record. I posted, not deleted, to show you what I’ve already done. Actually Vid is the right one, because I take Quence and record in PK. What I want is when I give an Insert, already make sure it’s not going values already repeated. Apparently, I will try to treat on the screen, but it would not be correct. The correct would be in the bank, in itself
.– pnet
pnet, I understand, you only want to insert if you don’t have the value in the table. In this case you should do a SELECT as in the line you commented, something like this:
– Alysson Bruno
SELECT nom_representative INTO vNOME FROM ts.prestador_representative WHERE cod_prestador_ts = v_COD_PRESTADOR_TS;
– Alysson Bruno
Alysson, this way gives error, because I can have several names in the table and the into will get lost, because it accepts only one. Now came the idea of a Count and put on the var. From the above shape I did and did not function.
– pnet