Convert C# Generated Date to ISO format in Javascript


Viewed 264 times


Hello, I’m making a website where I use an API built in C#. My problem is that when I get a date from the server, it sends me in this format:

    "maquina":"Conteúdo da cadeia de caracteres",
    "versao":"Conteúdo da cadeia de caracteres"

I need to know how I can convert this into a common format for Javascript.

NOTE: I already tried with the API people to send me this string but unfortunately they will not change the project so...

  • 1

    You can use some jQuery library as momentjs ?

  • power can, but the less lib’s the better

1 answer


Download momentjs which is a library , that works with various date formats and various functions:


var data = moment("/Date(1198908717056-0700)/").format('DD/MM/YYYY'); 
<script src="">
<script src="">

In your case it would be something:


Another way:

With eval and new Date:

var data = eval('new Date(1198908717056-0700)');
<script src="">

The two ways are functional, the momentjs is a small library does not disturb the loading of the page and as has been reported is very stable, but, also has another way that can solve your problem without a lib external.


  • 2

    @Leandroluk, in the friend Virgilio answered with the lib I told you above, she is very stable and has been for years there =]

  • 1

    right, I honestly did not want to include another script on the page, I would rather create a "micro-function" for this than have countless others that I will not use but already solves my case rs

  • @Leandroluk you now have two options one with a 20k javascript mini-framework and the other with two lines and the command eval with new Date. See what’s best for you .

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