Calculation of . scss for . Sass


Viewed 477 times


I am creating a dynamic grid system using Sass and Gulp-Sass to compile.

I have this code:

$col-margin: 15px
  width: 100%
  max-width: 1170px
  margin: 0 auto
  display: flex
  flex-wrap: wrap
// cols
  width: calc(((100% * $cols) /12) - ($col-margin * 2))
  margin: $col-margin
  box-sizing: border-box

In other words, the margin is 15px. When compiling through the terminal, using Gulp-Sass I have this error:

    [20:22:31] Starting 'sass'...
[20:22:31] Starting 'watch'...
[20:22:31] Finished 'watch' after 31 ms
Error in plugin 'sass'
Error: Incompatible units: 'px' and '%'.
        on line 10 of assets/gs.sass
>>   width: ((100% * $cols) /12) - ($col-margin * 2);

[20:22:31] Finished 'sass' after 95 ms
[20:22:31] Starting 'default'...
[20:22:31] Finished 'default' after 20 μs

2 answers


So what happens is that Sass just like all preprocessors don’t run calculations with different units of media.. and in case he’s trying to run and compile it..

The solution in this case is to make sure he doesn’t try to solve this part and let Calc() solve it after it’s compiled..

for this you need an "escape" for what you do not want the Saas to get..

Do it like this:

#{calc(((100% * $cols) /12) - ($col-margin * 2))}

Using this #{} notation involving the part you don’t want Sass to target should solve your problem :)

More hints:

  • Did not resolve it pops the formula straight into . css: .col-10 {
 width: calc(((100% * $cols) / 12) - ($margin-col * 2));
 box-sizing: border-box;
 background: red;

  • width: #{Calc((#{(100% * $cols)} / 12) - #{($margin-col * 2)})}... did not remember this possibility helped much. It is solved.


Problem solved, the correct is:

width: #{calc((#{(100% * $cols)} / 12) - #{($margin-col * 2)})}

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